How Dengue Causes Decrease In Platelets And White Blood Cells

Dengue fever, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, is a viral illness affecting millions annually.Understanding how dengue fever affects the production of white blood cells (WBCs) and platelets, crucial components of our immune system and blood clotting process, is vital for patient health.

The Impact of Dengue on WBC and Platelet Production

Dengue fever affects the production of both WBCs and platelets in various ways:

Suppression of WBC Production:
The dengue virus targets the bone marrow, where WBCs are produced, leading to a significant reduction in their production. Neutrophils, crucial for fighting bacterial infections, are particularly affected. This makes dengue patients more susceptible to secondary bacterial infections during the illness.

Destruction of Platelets:
Dengue virus directly infects and damages platelets, leading to their destruction. Thrombocytopenia results in bleeding tendencies and is a hallmark of severe dengue.

Bone Marrow Suppression:
Dengue virus-induced bone marrow suppression impacts the production of all blood cells, including WBCs and platelets. This further contributes to the impact on the immune system and blood clotting process.

In conclusion, dengue fever has significant implications for the production of WBCs and platelets in our body. Understanding these effects is crucial for managing the illness and providing appropriate care to patients.

Also Read Understanding Dengue Fever Signs and Symptoms

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